Mind the Gap!
Mind the Gap! Is Gap cover something I need? Is it important? Gap cover is a short-term insurance product that provides extra protection if you have medical aid.
Mind the Gap! Is Gap cover something I need? Is it important? Gap cover is a short-term insurance product that provides extra protection if you have medical aid.
Medical Aid & Travel Insurance. Looking at how medical aids in South Africa cover international travel and what you need to know.
What are PMBs and Chronics (Illness Benefits)? How long do they last and are they covered by my health insurance?
Managing the risk can get tricky when people with all different health risk profiles join to contribute towards a pool of funds. How does one make it fair enough for everyone to benefit?
Medical Aid, Health Insurance and Gap Cover provide varying levels of cover. The various levels and types of healthcare on offer differ between affordability, whether it is public or private and the benefits covered.
What happens to my tax before retirement? Retirement savings vehicles all have one common benefit, they lower your tax payable.
Managing your money through the use of an emergency savings fund. We look at different options and some of the key things to think about.
Everyone would like to retire one day and live comfortably. Long term investments are an efficient way to help you get there.
We often hear the sayings, “Saving for a rainy day”, or "Invest for the future”, but where do you start?
Understanding what unit trusts are and what they are made up of, gives you some perspective of what to look out for.
An investment fund fact sheet provides insight into the performance, objective and fees. Furthermore, it highlights the asset allocation and breakdowns of its investment holdings.
When buying your home, did the bank push you to get bond cover with them? You could look at more affordable options.