Money Management ‘Boxes’
To manage our money better we need to divide it up into manageable boxes. We start by putting our expenses into groups according to their characteristics.
To manage our money better we need to divide it up into manageable boxes. We start by putting our expenses into groups according to their characteristics.
A budget is your plan on how to save and spend your money. We prefer the term money management because the word budget for can be scary.
If something as basic as hunger can cause us to overspend, surely other emotions and thoughts can cause us to stumble? We need to look at our bigger picture, set goals and plan the next steps. This way we can keep our thoughts and emotions in check.
Many people have a negative feeling towards finances because they dislike maths and numbers. If you dislike numbers maybe you also dislike having them in your bank account.
Every year many of us experience the Forever Month. In December majority of us are paid early and most of our income is spent splurging on presents, Christmas meals and holiday fun.