To live for most people, is to simply get through the day, our lives are jam packed with daily activities that crowd our thoughts. Often we are prevented from seeing the important as we are bombarded by the urgent. We need to challenge ourselves to think differently.
For us, Live is being conscious of our surroundings while engaging on an emotional, physical and intellectual level. It means having peace of mind about crucial elements in our life. Change is only possible when we know what motivates and drives us. We help engage on a deeper level and unpack some of life’s difficult questions while looking at our core priorities.
Eisenhower created a matrix to help with decision making. We need to be able to distinguish between the important and the urgent. The concepts he brings together on productive decision making is nothing too unique but what we value in his work is the practical element and the ease of application (We will dedicate an entire blog to his matrix).
Our lifestyle determines and drives our actions and habits. Our ideas about how we should be living could be the source of great anxiety as we wrestle constantly with the concern of having enough. We either need to earn more to sustain our lifestyle or we should reconsider what we value in life. We need a plan, we need to prioritise and we need a vision for our future. Putting this framework in place on your own is difficult, experience has shown us that to succeed we need to be objective and accountable.
For many the solution is we need more and then we will be OK to support our lifestyle. The rabbit hole or hamster wheel is obvious to on lookers but for many this mindset of just a little more is there reality. If you look at the actions of many people, money and their job seems to be their only priority. We end up sacrificing our healthiest and most active years of our life to support our here and now lifestyle.
While on this treadmill do we ever question our lifestyle and the choices we make?
What is more important to us our wealth or our well being?
Do we really need more or should we work better with what we have?
If you want engage further on the topic of Lifestyle, Money Management or figure out what drives your Behaviour. Let us know we do more than just offer financial planning.
We want to Live Trust Grow and Matter