Your greatest assets are surely
Your Health
Your Lifestyle and
Your Income
Your greatest assets form the foundation for living. At Growmatter these 3 elements form the core of our Live Fundamentals.
Your lifestyle, health and income are part of every dream, every goal and every milestone we achieve. No one can deny the importance of these 3 elements yet we often neglect our health, mismanage our income and fail to protect our lifestyle?
We only really value our lifestyle, health or income when we have lost it. Our concern for people is that once it is lost there is very little we can do to help get it back.
If you can afford private healthcare then you don’t have a need for medical aid. If you can support your lifestyle without earning an income then you have no need for income protection. If your house burns down and you have the capital to rebuild it and replace all your belongings inside then you do not need any short term insurance.
For almost everyone else the reality is the reverse. We cannot afford to rebuild our house or replace all our belongings so we need short term insurance. Private healthcare is expensive and so we need medical aid. To protect and care for our health and lifestyle we need our income. Our income in most households is likely the glue that holds everything together.
Your health, your income and your assets form the foundation of your life. These are three of your greatest assets and you should look to protect them wherever possible.
For guidance on your needs and your current situation or for information on the products available to you get in touch
We want to Live Trust Grow and Matter