Your Health is the focal point of this article
Research has shown that as humans we neglect some of the most significant things in our lives. We either lack perspective or underestimate the value and importance of certain things. Health is one example of the things we often neglect. It is relatively easy to define and explain what health it but it is far more difficult to appreciate it. Perhaps we suffer from optimism which then clouds us from seeing the truth. We take our health for granted or we think accidents, sickness and injury won’t affect us.
Our logic
With this mindset we compound the issue by not saving or planning for medical expenses. The lack of funds or failure to budget also means that when we are sick we tend to visit the doctor or hospital as a last resort. This mindset is something we should remedy.
We need to be taking care of our health – prevention is better than cure. It is an old adage or saying but there is real truth to it.
We have some behavioural challenges to overcome, thinking we won’t get sick seems to lead us to not saving for the inevitable of when we get sick. This line of thinking linked with the expensive costs of private healthcare means we could find ourselves far down the road of no wealth, no health and no wellness. Being a member of a medical scheme and gap cover can make all the difference when something happens to you and your family.
The Stats
According to men in South Africa have a 1:6 chance of getting cancer in their lifetime with prostate cancer being top of the list. For women in South Africa they have a 1:9 chance of getting breast cancer. Treatment of Cancer and other severe illnesses have come a long way and the latest medicine and treatments have significantly improved the chance of survival. Many illnesses are now no longer a death sentence however the downside to these new drugs and treatments is their price. For almost everyone without the assistance of medical aid and gap cover these new treatments are simply not affordable.
A healthy lifestyle reduces your chances of illness but the reality is that no one is immune to accidents, illness and injury. With medical aid and gap cover you can take care of you and your family and get private healthcare in the event of illness or injury.
Get in touch if you have questions about your current situation @Growmatter.
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